Friday, March 28, 2014


Seramai 1,400 sukarelawan telah menyertai program ini yang julung kali dianjurkan oleh Kelab Rotary Langkawi pada 15 Mac 2014. Sukarelawan terdiri daripada pelajar sekolah, kakitangan agensi kerajaan, pertubuhan NGO lain dan penduduk kampung. Program ini bertujuan untuk membersihkan sungai di Kilim Karst Geoforest Park daripada sampah yang terapung dan dalam kawasan hutan bakau seperti tong, plastik, tali dan pelbagai lagi bahan yang mencacatkan pemandangan di sekitar Kilim. Program ini memberikan pendedahan dan kesedaran mengenai usaha konservasi dan rasa sepunya kepada alam sekitar Langkawi. Di penghujung program ini, hampir seratus kilogram sampah telah dikumpulkan daripada sungai dan hutan bakau oleh sukarelawan.

Briefing to all participants

Participants Flag-off 

Some of the volunteers

Geosite of Teluk Mempelam 

Looking for rubbish between the limestone rocks

Rubbish in mangrove

Catch of the day

Almost 1000kg rubbish that we manage to collect.
Our heroes and heroins!!!


Almost 1,400 volunteer has shown up as early as 7.30 in the morning for this program organized for the first time by Langkawi Rotary Club. The volunteer are from various background and agencies from student, government officer, other NGO members and also local communities. This program aims to clean up the rivers from floating rubbish and all sort of other materials such as ropes, barrels and plastics and also to educate and create awareness the volunteer and public to care and have  sense of belonging to our Langkawi’s environment. At the end of the program, we manage to accumulate almost 100 kg rubbish from the river and mangrove forest.

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